Self-neglect is most often reported because of unusual or dangerous behaviors are recognized in a loved-one. Because these features take months-to-years to develop, friends and family may not notice the change as being significant. Eventually, there is an event that makes clear that there is self-neglect.
Research and observation indicates that self-neglect does not have one set of features (Burnett et al., 2014). There appears to be different types of self-neglect that can have been categorized in different ways (see Types of Self-Neglect).
Common characteristics of self-neglect include (also see Picture List on How to Recognize Self-Neglect):

Ignoring hygiene is common in self-neglect
Physical Appearance
- Poor personal hygiene
- Not wearing suitable clothing for the weather
- Messy hair, nails, or clothes
- Unexplained weight loss
- Unusual odors
- Poor diet and nutrition
- Dehydration
Living Conditions
- Filthy home
- Not doing household maintenance
- Odd behavior and lifestyles
- Hoarding animals and/or invaluable items
- Dangerous living conditions
- Home infestations (e.g., mice, insects)
- Non-functioning utilities
- Rotten food
- Bad smells
- Threatened eviction

See the Picture List on How to Recognize Self-Neglect
- Not refilling medications
- Missing provider’s appointment
- Refusal to seek medical treatment for serious illness
- Decreased ability to perform routine daily activities
- Social isolation
- Refusing to to let people that provide services into the house (e.g., utility workers, home health care providers, APS)
- Antisocial behavior / not getting along with others
- Dangerous forgetful behavior (e.g., leaving a burning stove and going to sleep)
- Not paying the bills because they either forget or the bills are lost in the clutter
- Decreased ability to reason
- Confusion
- Depression
- Psychosis; such as hallucinations
- Refuse to consider health care provider’s recommendations
Geriatric Care Manager Perspective
Two hundred and eighty eight geriatric care managers from the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers (NAPGCM) completed a survey in September of 2014 (Boothroyd, 2014). The results of the survey are as follow:
- 92% say that elderly self-neglect was a significant problem in their community,
- 52% believe that self-neglect is significant and growing problem,
- 94% agree that elderly self-neglect is a largely hidden problem with cases frequently or mostly going unreported, and
- 76% report that self-neglect is the most common non-financial form of elder abuse/neglect that they deal with in practice.
According to the NAPGCMs, there are 6 warning signs of self-neglect that they see in practice often. Each sign is followed by the percentage of NAPGCMs who agreed:
- Signs of poor personal hygiene/not bathing or taking care of hair and nails (92 %)
- Poor medication management or refusing to take medications (89%)
- Evidence of dehydration, malnutrition or other unattended health conditions (75%)
- Unsanitary/very unclean living quarters (72%)
- Signs of unpaid bills, bounced checks or utility shut-offs (64%)
- Evidence of missing adequate food in house or signs of weight loss (63%)
Different cultures and beliefs may not agree on what is a normal level of comfort, material goods, necessities, health, and hygiene. This makes assessing and treating self-neglect very difficult. It requires specialized knowledge in healthcare, sociology, and ethics (Day & Leahy-Warren, 2008; Gibbons et al., 2006).
ReferencesBurnett, J., Dyer, C. B., Halphen, J. M., Achenbaum, W. A., Green, C. E., Booker, J. G., & Diamond, P. M. (2014). Four subtypes of self‐neglect in older adults: Results of a latent class analysis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 62(6), 1127-1132.
Day, M. R., & Leahy-Warren, P. (2008). Self-neglect 1: Recognizing features and risk factors. Nursing Times, 104(24), 26-27.
Gibbons, S. W. (2009). Theory synthesis for self-neglect: A health and social phenomenon. Nursing Research, 58(3), 194-200.
Last updated: June 6, 2020 at 15:22 pm by
I. M. Abumaria, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Version 2.00